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Miles Hyman
visual arts
The Billiard Room
From "Images Interdites", Casterman, 2010. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
Nine Magic Wishes
From the children's book by Shirley Jackson, FSG, 2000. Pastel on paper.
The Sundial
From "The Sundial", Arion Press, 2012. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
The Priestess
Book cover for the "Poulpe" mystery story collection. Pastel on paper.
The Awkward Squad
Cook cover for the novel by Sophie Henaff, MacLehose, UK. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
Merci pour le Chocolat
Book cover art. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
The Black Mark
Book cover art for Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery", FSG. Charcoal on paper.
The Dark Stairwell
Promotional image for mystery story series, Rivages/Telerama. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
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