Miles Hyman
visual arts
Poster created for feature film "38 Témoins" Client Diaphana Art direction: Pierre Collier. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
Created for sound studio Crescendo! Pastel on paper.
Poster created for feature film "Coup de Chaud" Client Diaphana Art direction: Patrick Tanguy. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
Poster art created for Crime Fiction Festival, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France. Charcoal on paper, digital color.
Image created for science film festival, France. Charcoal on paper.
Poster art created for The Hartford Stage (USA). Pastel on paper.
Image created for Green Mountain Coffee, to illustrate their exotic coffee campaign. Pastel on paper.
Image created for Green Mountain Coffee, to illustrate one of their flavored coffees. Pastel on paper.
Poster art created for Crime Fiction Festival, Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France. Pastel on paper.